Burning Man 2023 | Art Installation
The ways of Eleusis were lost to history; now in this moment, the past is being revealed. Encased underground and locked away in hidden libraries for nearly two thousand years, the mysteries of our cultural roots are now finally being exposed. The tides are turning and with them, the unlocking of the universal balance that exists between chaos and the cosmos. The Kykeon spills out its truth to the playa.
Artists - Hunter Leggitt, Jonathan Berry, & House of Fabl
Fabrication - Featherbuilt & Hunter Leggitt Studio
Lighting - PhotonicBliss / Brian Pinkham
Engineer - Craft Engineering Studio / Carl Fosholt
Build Team - Hunter Leggitt, Jonathan Berry, Hans Valor, Christian Butler, Carl Fosholt
Photos - Nathan McBride, Noah Ray, Brad Bingham, Robert Champion
Video - Brad Bingham, Nathan McBride, Matt Emmi
Timelapse Video - Danny Brown
Special Thanks - Brian Muraresku, Christiana Musk
This year at Burning Man 2023, House of Fabl unveiled its multimedia, immersive storytelling project, consisting of two interconnected artistic experiences. Taking inspiration from the book ‘The Immortality Key’ by Brian Muraresku, and paying homage to an ancient mystery cult, the House’s artists, Hunter Leggitt, Keenan Hock, and Jonathan Berry, in collaboration with Christiana Musk, premiered the large-scale art installation 'Chalice to Eleusis' and showcased its choreographed 1000-drone, 270 M wide Sky Story - “Unlocking the Mysteries,” which took to the skies on Wednesday and Thursday nights. The book’s author was slated to speak at the Chalice during the event along with a curated series of ceremonial experiences, but most were cancelled due to the unforeseen mud storm.